
Joseph Wright cleverly blurred the line between magic and science in ‘An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump’

约瑟夫•赖特(Joseph Wright)在《空气泵中的一只鸟的实验》中巧妙地模糊了魔法和科学之间的界线。
Dear reader,
Magic does not work. Science does. The first morphed into the second via alchemy. This fruitless quest to transmute base metals into gold laid the foundations for systematic experimentation. One of the finest fruits of the latter is the victory of medical science over a lengthening list of diseases.
Lex explored this theme — and R&D as a broader topic — in this week’s column. You can email me about that, or any other aspect of our coverage at
One of my first jobs at the Financial Times was writing about pharmaceuticals. As I prepare to retire from full-time journalism, it stands out as one of the few areas where well-financed innovation has indisputably improved the world.
我在英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的第一份工作之一是写药品方面的报道。随着我准备从全职新闻工作中退休,这个领域成为少数几个有充足资金支持的创新无可争议地改善了世界的领域之一。
I unwittingly contributed to a broad bust in UK biotech stocks in the late 1990s by exposing the inaccuracy of claims made by flagship company British Biotech. Its drugs did not work.
在1990年代末,我无意中揭露了英国生物技术公司(British Biotech)旗舰公司所做声明的不准确性,从而导致了英国生物技术股票的大规模崩盘。他们的药物并没有起作用。
Just over a decade later I was bemoaning the Götterdämmerung of Big Pharma in the Lombard column. Pharma units languished at discounts to healthcare divisions selling bunion cream within the valuations of companies such as GSK.
在十多年后,我在《伦巴第专栏》(Lombard column)中哀叹着大型制药公司的黄昏(Götterdämmerung)。制药部门在估值中表现不佳,相比之下,像GSK这样的公司旗下销售痛风膏等保健产品的部门则享有更高的估值。
One analyst told me most potential blockbuster drugs had been discovered — although that was plainly unknowable.
Then, starting in 2013, Gilead of the US delivered a series of breakthrough treatments for hepatitis B. In 2014, AstraZeneca rebuffed a takeover bid from Pfizer with projections for sales of new drugs many observers thought were wildly optimistic.
Since then, the Anglo-Swedish group has made extraordinary progress. It has been one of the lead developers of the immunotherapy drugs that are at last pushing back cancer.
AstraZeneca also produced a serviceable Covid vaccine. But it was German start-up BioNTech that really turned the tide against coronavirus in 2020 — with a little help from Pfizer.
阿斯利康也生产了一种可用的新冠疫苗。但真正在 2020 年扭转冠状病毒疫情的是德国初创公司BioNTech——辉瑞公司也提供了一点帮助。
For some pharma groups, notably
Sanofi of France, the pandemic was a time of embarrassing and very public underperformance. This week, chief executive Paul Hudson
admitted he had fumbled the scrapping of 2025 margin targets.
Investors fear the company is over-dependent on blockbuster asthma and eczema drug Dupixent. Sales should top €20bn by 2030, with exclusivity running out not long after. Pipeline drugs will need to come on stream to replace lost earnings.
The success of weight loss drugs from
Novo Nordisk and
Eli Lilly has prompted other invidious comparisons.
Roche is therefore acquiring
obesity drugs developer Carmot for up to $3.1bn. The Swiss company already has a packed pipeline. The problem is that too many drug trials have failed.
诺和诺德(Novo Nordisk)和礼来公司(Eli Lilly)的减肥药取得的成功引发了其他令人嫉妒的比较。因此,罗氏(Roche)将以高达31亿美元的价格收购总部位于美国的
Merck knows how that feels. Its shares slumped 12 per cent on Wednesday after a
multiple sclerosis medicine flopped in late-stage trials. The market value dropped by €4.5bn, much more than the prospective value of the drug. Merck badly needs cancer treatment Xevinapant to succeed.
默克公司深有体会。一种多发性硬化症药物在后期试验中失败后,默克公司的股价在周三暴跌了 12%。市值下跌了 45 亿欧元,远高于该药物的预期价值。默克公司急需癌症治疗药物Xevinapant取得成功。
China’s pharma researchers do a lot of R&D of their own, but do not seem to produce many blockbusters. Even so, it would be highly regrettable if the US stuck a spanner in the works of Chinese drugs research.
The stock of
Wuxi Biologics fell steeply this week after a profit warning. In Lex’s view, the shares were
on a hair trigger. Foreign investors fear that America could extend sanctions against Chinese digital technology to its pharmaceuticals.
药明生物(Wuxi Biologics)的股价在本周因盈利预警而大幅下跌。在Lex的观点中,这些股票
This would hurt science and healthcare. But there is no cure for human folly.
Nor for rent seeking. This is embodied in the expensive, dysfunctional and unfair US healthcare system.
The advent of “value-based” care under the US’s state Medicare and Medicaid systems is
triggering a gold rush among insurers, healthcare providers and benefits managers. One consequence, after successive rounds of consolidation, is a mooted $140bn insurance tie-up between
Cigna and
US healthcare is a horrible embarrassment, if, like me, you would prefer markets to deliver optimal outcomes. This is still possible for Airbus’s planned replacement for the A320 narrow-body jet.
The European consortium company has nevertheless hinted it may need state support for the research and development project. Just to keep boss Guillaume Faury on his toes,
Lex calculated that private investors have a good chance of making a decent 14 per cent internal rate of return on the $15bn project.
然而,这家欧洲财团公司暗示可能需要国家支持这个研发项目。为了让总裁纪尧姆•福里(Guillaume Faury)保持警惕,
Better get weaving on those investor slide decks, M. Faury.
Developing quantum computers is a rather more speculative activity. Just to be clear, these do not work at present and may never do so. Quantum states are innately unstable, like markets. However, the publication of a seven-year
development timeline by
IBM should help to attract investment capital to the sector.
Digit fidget
Lex uses steam-powered spreadsheets, not quantum computers, for its own calculations. Some of the figures we reported this week usefully highlighted key stories:
BAT has reduced its estimate of the economic life of its US brands from “forever” to 30 years. Even that may be optimistic. Cigarette makers are failing to persuade newly wealthy Asians to puff on their toxic wares. Nor are tobacco companies faring well in vapes.
Spotify is on course to generate $2.2mn in sales per employee following job cuts. Meta should manage $2.2mn and Netflix $3mn. The music streaming platform may need to cut more deeply.
Things I have enjoyed
The closing credits of
Napoleon. When they started rolling, it meant I did not have to watch the movie any more.
Boney’s mob failed to kill my ancestor Gunner “Paisley Jimmy” Guthrie at the Battle of Waterloo. But I nearly lost my own will to live during this ahistorical, plodding account of the general’s life.
在滑铁卢战役中,博尼(拿破仑)的暴徒没能杀死我的祖先冈纳-“佩斯利-吉米”-格思里(Gunner "Paisley Jimmy" Guthrie)。但是,在观看这部缺乏历史感、对这位将军的生平乏善可陈的描述的电影时,我几乎失去了生存的意志。
I loved the
Frans Hals exhibition at London’s National Gallery. Incredible portraiture was mournfully adorned by the name of defunct sponsor Credit Suisse.
我喜欢伦敦国家美术馆(London’s National Gallery)的
弗兰斯•哈尔斯(Frans Hals)展览。令人难过的是,这些令人难以置信的肖像画被已倒闭的赞助商瑞信(Credit Suisse)的名字所装饰。
I have also greatly enjoyed writing for you over the past few years. Lex readers are smart, highly educated and always keen to debate an interesting point.
Thank you so much for reading.
Au revoir,
Jonathan Guthrie
乔纳森•格思里(Jonathan Guthrie)
Head of Lex
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