Desmond Tutu, bishop and anti-apartheid campaigner, 1931-2021 | 图图大主教:1931-2021 - FT中文网

Desmond Tutu, bishop and anti-apartheid campaigner, 1931-2021

The South African Nobel laureate was a beacon of honesty, conviction, inclusiveness and human decency
Desmond Tutu, who has died aged 90, brought a searing moral authority to South Africa’s traumatic transition from apartheid to democracy. Throughout that tumultuous process and beyond, the devout Anglican was revered as a beacon of honesty, conviction, inclusiveness and sheer human decency.
享年90岁的德斯蒙德·图图(Desmond Tutu),为南非从种族隔离向民主的创伤性过渡带来了令人心悦诚服的道德权威。在整个动荡的过程中,这位虔诚的圣公会教徒被尊为诚实、信念、包容和纯粹的人类尊严的灯塔。
Tutu was thrust on to the political stage in the turbulent last decade or so of white rule because of the enforced absence of other black leaders. Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress colleagues were in jail or in exile in the 1980s, when it was dawning on the white minority government that change would have to come, by whatever means.
由于其他黑人领袖被迫缺席,图图在白人统治的最后十年左右的动荡中被推上了政治舞台。上世纪80年代,纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)和他的非洲人国民大会(African National Congress)同僚们要么被关进监狱,要么被流放,当时白人少数派政府开始意识到,无论采取什么手段,变革都一定会到来。
His activism was as spirited as it was principled. And his oratory — a mix of humour, humanity and indignation — was as moving and effective at a political funeral in a football stadium as in the cathedral pulpit.
In 1984, Tutu’s moral leadership and his outspoken condemnation of violence by any party earned him South Africa’s second Nobel Peace Prize, after the ANC leader Albert Luthuli in 1960. Two years later he was made archbishop of Cape Town, a perch he used to intensify his opposition to the government of the hardline PW Botha.
1984年,图图的道德领导能力和他对任何政党暴力的直言不讳的谴责使他继1960年非国大领导人阿尔伯特·卢图利(Albert Luthuli)之后,获得了南非的第二个诺贝尔和平奖。两年后,他被任命为开普敦大主教,他利用这个位置,加强了对时任总理PW博塔的反对声音。
In 1994 it was Tutu who coined the phrase “Rainbow Nation”, which Mandela embraced to help bring the divided country together. But the “Arch”, as he was known, also lost no time in establishing his independent credentials in the new democratic order, chiding the ANC in its early years in power over its sometimes profligate ways.
1994年,图图创造了“彩虹之国”(Rainbow Nation)这个词,曼德拉用这个词帮助这个分裂的国家团结起来。但是,被称为“拱桥”的他也不失时机地在新的民主秩序中建立了自己的独立地位,并在非国大执政初期指责其有时恣意妄为的做法。
By 1999, when Mandela stepped down after a five-year term, Tutu had gained even broader moral authority, having presided over the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the late 1990s. The TRC held lengthy and fraught hearings across the country looking at several decades of human rights abuses. It then offered amnesty to perpetrators if their crimes were deemed to have had a political purpose. The commission would provide a model for transitional nations worldwide.
Desmond Mpilo Tutu was born on October 7 1931, in Klerksdorp in what was then the Transvaal, and was educated at Johannesburg Bantu High School in the Western Native Township. His father was a teacher, his mother a domestic servant. The young Tutu was astonished when a white man doffed his hat to her one day as she swept someone’s veranda. The man was Trevor Huddleston, a British priest who later guided Tutu towards his calling. A spell in the US strengthened Tutu’s embrace of liberation theology.
德斯蒙德·姆皮洛·图图(Desmond Mpilo Tutu)于1931年10月7日出生在当时的德兰士瓦(Transvaal)的克勒克斯多普(Klerksdorp),并在西部土著镇(Western Native Township)的约翰内斯堡班图高中(Johannesburg Bantu High School)接受教育。他的父亲是一名教师,母亲是家庭佣人。有一天,当她为别人打扫阳台时,一个白人男子向她脱帽致敬,这让年轻的图图大为震惊。这名男子就是英国牧师特雷弗·赫德尔斯顿(Trevor Huddleston),他后来引导图图走上了自己的道路。在美国的一段时间强化了图图对解放神学的信奉。
Trained as a teacher, he was ordained in 1961 and worked and studied in England for six years. He was made dean of Johannesburg in 1975, bishop of Lesotho the following year and general secretary of the South African Council of Churches from 1978 to 1985.
Loathed by the ruling National party under Botha, he was periodically denied a passport to travel and routinely demonised by the state broadcaster as a wily and sinister politician. Attempts were made on his life. But few could resist his charm in a face-to-face meeting. Within minutes, his combination of self-deprecating jokes and obvious sincerity could transform an audience of suspicious whites into a crowd of admirers. “I love to be loved,” he said, acknowledging that as a weakness.
博塔领导的执政党国家党(National party)痛恨他,不时拒绝他的护照,并经常将他妖魔化为一个狡猾阴险的政客。有人试图要他的命。但在面对面的会谈中,几乎没有人能抗拒他的魅力。几分钟之内,他自嘲的笑话和明显的真诚就能把一群怀疑的白人观众变成一群仰慕者。“我喜欢被爱,”他承认这是一个弱点。
“He sparkled in company,” said John Allen, his biographer — but it was all without artifice. “Who he was publicly was exactly who he was in private.”
他的传记作者约翰•艾伦(John Allen)说:“他和朋友在一起时闪闪发光。”但这一切都毫不做作。“他在公众面前的样子,就是他在私下里的样子。”
Tutu ensured this craving for affection did not mute his willingness to express unpopular opinions. On the contrary, he coupled it with an audacious line in “provocations” — a word that appeared in the subtitle of the collection of his sermons God Is Not a Christian.
His support for international economic sanctions infuriated not just the Botha government but many of the white Christians he represented. Yet it simply reflected his stance that boycotts and foreign embargoes were the last remaining non-violent options to the oppression he abhorred.
Though he recognised the primacy of the ANC in the fight against apartheid, he remained outside that organisation — and angered the fiery young priests in his fold by insisting that their role too precluded membership of a political party. And when his mentor Huddleston wanted to attend an ANC plenary, he was told firmly to stay away.
Tutu was as ready to condemn brutal methods used by the ANC’s supporters as he was for those of the white security police. When he intervened to save a suspected police informer from “necklacing” (death by burning with a tyre around the neck) near Johannesburg in 1985, he told the mob it was wrong for the justifiably aggrieved to sink to the level of their oppressors. Columnist Barney Mthombothi called Tutu “the closest thing South Africa has to a sage”.
图图随时准备谴责非国大支持者使用的残暴手段,就像他谴责白人安全警察一样。1985年,当他在约翰内斯堡附近为拯救一名被怀疑是警察的告密者而进行干预时,他告诉暴徒们,有理由的受屈者沉沦到压迫者的水平是不对的。专栏作家巴尼·摩托博迪(Barney Mthombothi)称图图是“南非最接近于圣人的人”。
For the next decade, as head of the entire Anglican church in southern Africa, Tutu played an important part in securing his country’s path to democracy. At his Cape Town residence in 1990 it was Tutu who hosted Mandela on his first night out of jail — and who later dubbed his compatriots “the rainbow people of God”.
Whenever that rainbow became clouded by scandal, Tutu spoke out. After Thabo Mbeki, Mandela’s deputy at the time, tried to block the release of the TRC’s five-volume report because it contained references to human rights abuses by the ANC in exile, Tutu said tartly: “I have struggled against a tyranny. I didn’t do that in order to substitute another.” The account was duly published.
每当这道彩虹被丑闻笼罩时,图图都会大声疾呼。当时,曼德拉的副手塔博•姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)试图阻止真相与和解委员会五卷报告的发布,因为报告中提到了流亡中的非国大侵犯人权的情况,图图尖锐地说道。“我曾与暴政斗争。我这样做并不是为了取代另一种暴政。” 这份报告被完整发表了。
While chairing the TRC, Tutu was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Relinquishing his archdiocese, he spent two years in Atlanta, combining further medical treatment with a visiting professorship at Emory University before returning to South Africa in 2000. “I have come home to sleep,” he said then.
Yet what followed was anything but somnolent, as he embraced a variety of causes.
Tutu opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq, lobbying the White House and, nine years later, refusing to share a conference podium with Tony Blair, who had taken the UK into the war alongside George W Bush. He was at least as scathing about Robert Mugabe, saying the president of Zimbabwe had to be toppled, by force if necessary.
2003年,图图反对入侵伊拉克,并游说白宫,9年后,他拒绝与托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)共享一个会议讲台,后者曾与乔治•W•布什(George W Bush)一道将英国卷入战争。他至少对罗伯特•穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)同样严厉,称必须推翻津巴布韦的总统政权,必要时用武力推翻。
Within the church, the man who from the early 1990s had pressed for the ordination of women extended that campaign to include gay equality — telling George Carey, his spiritual leader as Archbishop of Canterbury, that discrimination on the grounds of sexuality made him “ashamed to be an Anglican”. He also became a prominent religious voice in favour of assisted dying for the terminally ill.
在教会内部,这个从20世纪90年代初就力主授予妇女圣职的人,将这一运动扩展到了同性恋平等--他告诉作为坎特伯雷大主教的精神领袖乔治·凯里(George Carey),基于性向的歧视使他“为成为一名圣公会教徒而感到羞耻”。他还成为支持为绝症患者提供辅助性死亡的突出宗教声音。
Tutu married Leah Nomalizo Shinxani in 1955; she survives him along with a son and three daughters.
图图于1955年与利亚·诺马利佐·辛克萨尼(Leah Nomalizo Shinxani)结婚;她与一个儿子和三个女儿仍然在世。
“Here was a man,” wrote Mandela in his autobiography, “who had inspired an entire nation with his words and his courage, who had revived the people’s hope during the darkest of times.”











