Lure of cash poses challenges for asset managers | 现金产品强势回归 资产管理公司面临挑战 - FT中文网

Lure of cash poses challenges for asset managers
现金产品强势回归 资产管理公司面临挑战

Fund firms under pressure as investors move into low-cost, high-yielding money market funds
An aggressive campaign of interest rate hikes by central banks has left asset managers locked in a battle for client inflows against cash deposits and low-cost money market funds
M&G Investments’ annual bond forum in London earlier this year featured an unusual presence on the stage: a large colourful statue of an elephant. Fixed to it was a piece of paper reading “6.2 per cent”.
今年早些时候,在M&G投资(M&G Investments)于伦敦举行的年度债券论坛上,台上出现了一件不同寻常的物品:一尊色彩斑斓的大型大象雕像。雕像上订着一张纸,上面写着“6.2%”。
It was there as the literal “elephant in the room” — a visual representation of the challenge that fund managers now face: to win a place in a portfolio, they have to beat the rate that a client can earn on ultra-safe short term savings accounts.
An aggressive campaign of interest rate hikes by central banks over almost two years has left asset managers locked in a battle for client inflows against cash deposits and low-cost, low-risk money market funds. While the 6.2 per cent account is no longer available, savings rates above 5 per cent in the US and UK still present a major challenge for fund managers.
“We’re in a different environment now and many of the assumptions of the last 15 years are being thrown out,” said Peter Harrison, chief executive of FTSE 100 asset manager Schroders. “Cash and short-term fixed income are more attractive, structured products are coming back, and income products are more valuable.”
“我们现在处于一个不同的环境中,过去15年的许多假设都被抛弃了。”资产管理公司施罗德投资(Schroders)——其股票为富时100(FTSE 100)指数成分股——首席执行官彼得•哈里森(Peter Harrison)说。“现金和短期固定收益产品更具吸引力,结构化产品正在重新登场,收益产品更有价值。”
The new regime, industry insiders believe, will mean hefty outflows at fund firms unsuited to a world of higher rates, compounding existing challenges such as higher costs and pressure on fees that are sweeping across the industry. Equity fund managers, already squeezed by years of competition from ultra-low-cost index tracker funds, could be among the losers, insiders say. For fixed income managers the picture is less clear — while they face a higher hurdle from cash, the return they can make from bond yields has improved.
“The return of cash is the biggest theme in asset management right now,” said Stephen Cohen, head of Europe, Middle East and Africa for BlackRock.
“现在,现金产品的重新登场是资产管理领域最重要的主题。”贝莱德(BlackRock)欧洲、中东和非洲区负责人斯蒂芬•科恩(Stephen Cohen)说。
“It has put cash and money market funds front and centre with many of our clients, and raised the hurdle rates for what risk assets need to deliver. It used to be that there was no alternative [to risky assets] — but now there is.”
A record $5.76tn now sits in US money market funds, which park buyers’ dollars in safe instruments like short-term government debt, according to data from the Investment Company Institute.
根据投资公司协会(Investment Company Institute)的数据,现在有5.76万亿美元的资金存放在美国货币市场基金中,这些基金将买家的美元投资于像短期政府债券这样的安全工具中。
That is welcome news for asset managers with large money market businesses, such as Fidelity, Vanguard and JPMorgan. But it puts pressure on firms whose offerings are not in demand in the new regime. Reduced fee income as a result of falling assets under management is putting cost-to-income ratios — a key measure of investment manager profitability — under pressure, especially for less efficient players.
“If you’re in a mono-asset class that is not of interest, you will struggle to get flows. You need diversification of asset class, client and geographical perspective,” said Andrea Rossi, chief executive of FTSE 100 savings and investment group M&G. While mergers between asset managers have often proven unsuccessful, Rossi said they will become more frequent as firms try to cope with pressure on their fees and tap growth areas.
“如果你做的是一个市场不感兴趣的单一资产类别,你将很难获得资金流。你需要多样化的资产类别、客户和地理视角。”富时100成分股集团M&G的首席执行官安德烈亚•罗西(Andrea Rossi)表示。尽管资产管理公司之间的合并经常被证明是不成功的,但罗西表示,随着公司试图应对费用压力并开拓增长领域,并购将变得更加频繁。
“I think we will certainly see some of the narrowly focused players finding strategic partners,” said David Hunt, chief executive of PGIM. 
保德信投资(PGIM)首席执行官戴维•亨特(David Hunt)表示:“我认为我们肯定会看到一些专注于特定领域的参与者找到战略合作伙伴。”
Among those that have been suffering in the new regime is T Rowe Price, a $690bn active equities manager based in Baltimore, Maryland. It has been struggling with large outflows since 2021 and has tried to cut costs over the past year with two rounds of lay-offs.
在新的体制中,受到困扰的公司之一是总部位于马里兰州巴尔的摩的规模为6900亿美元的主动股票投资管理公司普徕仕(T Rowe Price)。自2021年以来,该公司一直面临大规模资金外流,并在过去一年中进行了两轮裁员以削减成本。
Assets run by Baillie Gifford’s Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust, many of whose technology holdings have been hit by rising interest rates, have dropped from about £18bn in June 2021 to £12bn as at October this year. Baillie Gifford as a whole shed more than £100bn in assets in 2022, its most recent figures show.
巴美列捷福(Baillie Gifford)旗下的苏格兰抵押贷款投资信托(Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust)所管理的资产——其中许多科技类资产受到了不断上升的利率的冲击——从2021年6月的约180亿英镑下降到今年10月的120亿英镑。根据最新数据,巴美列捷福整体在2022年减少了超过1000亿英镑的资产。
Bond fund managers have also come under pressure, but see some reasons for optimism. Yields on ultra-safe US government bonds and investment grade corporate debt have surged over the past two years as interest rates have risen.
That has proved painful as the value of the bonds they have held has fallen sharply. But it also means they can now earn more income on bonds they buy, although a fall in yields over the past two months has eroded some of that benefit.
“Fixed income has come back as a really investable asset class — the ability to invest in fixed income and make mid single-digits of yield,” says John Graham, president and chief executive officer of CPP Investments, which invests the assets of the Canada Pension Plan. “That hasn’t been available for a very long time.”
“固定收益已经成为一种真正可投资的资产类别——能够投资于固定收益并获得5个点左右的收益,”加拿大养老金计划投资委员会(CPP Investments)的总裁兼首席执行官约翰•格雷厄姆(John Graham)表示,“这在很长一段时间内都是不可得的。”
Manny Roman, chief executive of the world’s largest bond-focused manager Pimco, thinks the new environment will favour its business. “Fixed income looks really good because it gives you equity returns for one-third of the risk,” he said.
全球最大的债券投资管理公司太平洋投资管理公司(Pimco)的首席执行官曼尼•罗曼(Manny Roman)认为,新环境将有利于他们的业务。他说:“固定收益看起来非常不错,因为它给你带来了权益那样的回报,但风险只有它的三分之一。”
Many asset managers without a large money market business are nevertheless hoping that central banks will win their battle with inflation without triggering a recession and be able to cut borrowing costs next year, avoiding a so-called “higher for longer” rates environment. That hope has grown in recent weeks after below-forecast inflation readings in the US and eurozone. US headline inflation for November released on Tuesday was in line with forecasts.
Some in the industry believe this scenario could finally drive client flows back into riskier assets.
“To the extent that you get a little bit more clarity on a soft [economic] landing and you get some stability from a geopolitical perspective, there’s a ton of money on the sidelines that will be ready to go risk on,” said Meena Flynn, co-head of private wealth management at Goldman Sachs.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)私人财富管理联席主管米娜•弗林(Meena Flynn)表示:“如果经济能不能软着陆更加明朗、并且地缘政治环境更加稳定的话,会有大量的闲置资金准备好承担风险。”











